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Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company. Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company.
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Accreditations Northern Precision Ltd operate a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001. The ISO 9001 standard is recognised worldwide and you can be assured of the benefits of working with a certified company knowing that our management systems are constantly assessed and approved.
Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company.
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Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company. Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company.
Registered in England & Wales Company number 3275391
V.A.T Registration number GB 684 1384 17
Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company. Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company. Northern Precision Ltd is an ISO9001 accredited Company.
Testing Method
Bolt (Grade 5 min.) Ensure full thread engagement before applying load. Hardened bushing with sufficient wall thickness  to withstand applied compression load. Body Dia. + 1.6mm Test panel. Applied Load from compression gauge. Compression rig base. Test panel held firmly in vice. Applied torque from dial measuring torque wrench.
Push-out testing of Self-Clinching Locking Nuts should be performed by the gradual application of a load as shown. Bushing height should be sufficient to allow free downward movement of the nut during testing. The bushing bore must be centred on the head of the nut.
Torque-out testing of Self-Clinching Nuts should be performed by the gradual application of torque as shown, while the test panel is securely held in a vice. Torque must be gradually applied until failure is observed and a maximum applied torque reading is recorded. Failure mode is the nut turning in the panel or cam-out.
Thread code Material code Sheet thickness M3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 Installation (kN) Torque-out (Nm) Pushout (N) Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel Test sheet material M4 7 9 13 13.5 12 13 18 19 2.8 4.1 3.4 4.6 5.0 5.8 5.7 8.0 580 900 670 1120 670 1115 850 1345 1 2 1 2 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 Aluminium Steel M5 14 14.5 18 19 10.0 12.0 11.5 13.5 675 1120 1115 1345
All performance figures are averages obtained over a range of installations and should be used as an indicator only. Panel material, hole preparation, installation tooling and method can affect part performance. We always recommend that you carry out your own tests in the actual application. Please call our sales team and we will be happy to provide you with samples as well as offering technical assistance.
L Min.
A +0.12
Thread codes
Anvil Dimensions
First punch or drill the correct size hole. Do not deburr or chamfer the hole prior to installation as this will remove material required during the clinching process. It is preferable to install the fastener from the punch side of the panel.   Place the fastener in the anvil with the shank facing up like in the diagram above. Locate the panel mounting hole over the shank ensuring the panel is held level.   Apply a parallel squeezing force until the head is seated against the panel with no serrations visible. Do not over squeeze the fastener into the panel as this will result in panel deformation.   When installing Self-Clinching fasteners, please pay attention to the minimum hole centreline to edge and parent material hardness limitations.
Break edge 0.13 x 45° Max.
√  X
Do not remove any extra material or chamfer the hole as this could result in improper installation or reduced performance.
HRB (ROCKWELL HARDNESS B SCALE) Ensure that you are installing into a panel that is ductile and at or below the published maximum recommended hardness for the fastener.
Ensure that attention is paid to the minimum hole centreline to edge dimension for each fastener. Installing too close to an edge or bend could result in improper installation or reduced performance. Minimum centreline to edge dimensions shown for each fastener apply to one edge only. If this distance is applied on multiple sides there will be significant panel distortion unless the panel edges are supported during installation.
X  √  Min C/L to Edge Min C/L to Edge
Material & Finish
Zinc Plated Carbon Steel + Dry Film Lubricant coating (MD) parts are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a maximum recommended hardness of 70 HRB. 300 Series Stainless Steel + Dry Film Lubricant coating (A2) parts are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a maximum recommended hardness of 70 HRB. Aluminium (AL) arts are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a maximum recommended hardness of 50 HRB.
Part Number Examples
Part number is made up as follows: (Type)-(Thread)-(Material code)-(Material/Finish code) For example: LCN-M3-1-MD (Locking Nut-M3-1.0mm min sheet thickness-zinc plated carbon steel plus Dry Film Lubricant coating) LCN-M4-2-A2 (Locking Nut-M4-1.4mm min sheet thickness-stainless steel plus Dry Film Lubricant coating) LCN-M5-2-AL (Locking Nut-M5-1.4mm min sheet thickness-aluminium)
Self-Clinching Locking Nuts provide strong female prevailing torque locking threads in panels that are too thin to be conventionally tapped.   Utilising a special proven clinch feature, this fastener has excellent torque-out and push-out characteristics whilst providing a flush finish on the underside of the panel. Featuring two symmetrically threaded jaws and a dry film lubricant coating to provide a strong and effective prevailing torque locking action to minimise the risk of loosening when under heavy usage.   Like all self clinching fasteners they are installed using a parallel squeezing action, so require access to both sides of the panel.   Locking Nuts are available in various thread sizes, manufactured from zinc plated steel and 300 series stainless steel plus a dry film lubricant coating and are suitable for installation in ductile steel and aluminium panels with a recommended maximum hardness of 70 HRB and aluminium with no dry film lubricant which are suitable for installation in ductile aluminium panels with a recommended maximum hardness of 50 HRB.
Self Clinching Locking Nuts Self Clinching Locking Nuts
self-clinching locking nuts ANVIL PUNCH ANVIL PUNCH