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AccreditationsNorthern Precision Ltd operate a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001.The ISO 9001 standard is recognised worldwide and you can be assured of the benefits of working with a certified company knowing that our management systems are constantly assessed and approved.
Self-Clinching Flush RetainerFirst punch or drill the correct size hole. Do not deburr or chamfer the hole prior to installation as this will remove material required during the clinching process. It is preferable to install the fastener from the punch side of the panel.Place the fastener in the hole with the shank facing down like in the diagram above. Ensuring the panel is held level, using a flat punch and flat anvil apply a parallel squeezing force until the round head is embedded flush with the surface of the panel. Self-Clinching Receptacle NutsFirst punch or drill the correct size hole. Do not deburr or chamfer the hole prior to installation as this will remove material required during the clinching process. It is preferable to install the fastener from the punch side of the panel.Place the fastener in the anvil with the shank facing up like in the diagram above. Locate the panel mounting hole over the shank ensuring the panel is held level.Apply a parallel squeezing force until the head is seated against the panel with no serrations visible. Do not over squeeze the fastener into the panel as this will result in panel and possibly thread deformation.When installing Self-Clinching fasteners, please pay attention to the minimum hole centreline to edge and parent material hardness limitations.
Do not remove any extra material or chamfer the hole as this could result in improper installation or reduced performance.
HRB (ROCKWELL HARDNESS B SCALE)Ensure that you are installing into a panel that is ductile and at or below the published maximum recommended hardness for the fastener.
Ensure that attention is paid to the minimum hole centreline to edge dimension for each fastener. Installing too close to an edge or bend could result in improper installation or reduced performance. Minimum centreline to edge dimensions shown for each fastener apply to one edge only. If this distance is applied on multiple sides there will be significant panel distortion unless the panel edges are supported during installation.
Hardened bushing withsufficient wall thickness to withstand appliedcompression load.
Body Dia.+ 1.6mm
Test panel.
Applied Load fromcompression gauge.
Compression rig base.
Push-out testing of Self-Clinching Receptacle Nuts should be performed by the gradual application of a load as shown.Bushing height should be sufficient to allow free downward movement of the nut during testing. The bushing bore must be centred on the head of the nut.
Receptacle NutInstallation
Material & Finish
Flush Mounted Panel Screw300 Series Stainless Steel (A2).Self-Clinching Flush Mounted Retainer300 Series Stainless Steel (A2) parts are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a maximum recommended hardness of 70 HRB.Self-Clinching Receptacle NutElectro Zinc plated Carbon Steel (ZI) parts are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a maximum recommended hardness of 80 HRB.
Part Number Examples
Flush Mounted Panel ScrewPart number is made up as follows: (Type)-(Thread)-(Screw Length Code)-(Material/Finish) For example: NP10-M3-40-A2 (Flush Mounted Panel Screw-M3-Screw Length Code 40-stainless steel)Self-Clinching Flush Mounted RetainerPart number is made up as follows: (Type)-(Thread)-(Material/Finish) For example: NR-M4-A2 (Self Clinching Flush Mounted Retainer-M4-stainless steel)Self-Clinching Receptacle NutPart number is made up as follows: (Type)-(Thread)-(Minimum Panel)-(Material/Finish) For example: NRN-M5-1-ZI (Self Clinching Receptacle Nut-M5-1mm minimum panel thickness-electro-zinc plated steel)
Self-Clinching Panel Screw Assemblies utilise a self-clinching Retainer (NR) to allow a Panel Screw (NP10) to be flush mounted in thin sheet metal panels, while remaining captive in the retainer when disengaged from the mating component. A self-clinching Receptacle Nut (NRN) is used in the mating component. Like all self-clinching fasteners, the retainer and receptacle components are installed using a parallel squeezing action, so require access to both sides of the panel.Panel Screws are manufactured from 300 series stainless steel. Self-clinching Retainers are manufactured from 300 series stainless steel and are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a recommended maximum hardness of 70 HRB. Self-Clinching Receptacle Nuts are manufactured from electro-zinc plated carbon steel and are suitable for installation in ductile panels with a recommended maximum hardness of 80 HRB.